Happiness Coach
Professional Personal and life Coach. Certifications that have changed my life, giving me the opportunity of helping others. I have been a Dentist, for almost 30 years and will be always grateful of all the joy and good things my profession has given me.
Wife of Oscar my friend, lover, partner in crime my better half, the love of my life. Mom of Camilo who has taught me that unconditional love does exist, the one that makes me want to be a better person each and every day, He has been my master of patience and tolerance.
Adult care giver that is the tittle I get for taking care of my mother Isabel my mirrow my master of hard work and sacrifice, things I do for her with love and gratefulness .
I am a proud Scout that knows honor loyalty and truthfulness and how to help others without expectations. Advanced open water diver, the deep sea has taught me the importance of Silence and how to breath. World traveler the world that has giving me my faith my values of life and in my travels I have discovered how insignificant I can be but indeed I can help to make a change.
I have 12 cats 4 dogs, I am always expecting more pets to give me joy and furry days now I am a Granma of Nicolas who teaches me unselfish love and emotional intelligence.
So I am here to teach to learn to give and receive.